Place the cut lamb chunks in a large plate, season with the salt and pepper, sprinkle all-over them the flour and toss well so that every piece of lamb is well coated.
Place a large pot or casserole on high heat and pour 3 tbsp of the oil. Once it heats up add the lamb and sear all sides for 4’ and until lightly brown. Remove from the pot and keep aside.
In the same pot, with whatever oil has remained, pour another tbsp of oil and add the onions, garlic and chili flakes over medium heat. Sauté for 3-4’ until softened and then return the lamb to the pot along with the kolokasi.
Mix well and a minute later, pour the chicken broth along with the cherry tomatoes sauce and the lime juice. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer with the lid on for 50’.