
Frixos Personal Chefing

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Penne with Confit Cherry Tomatoes and Pesto Genovese


In the past I used to make Pesto pasta the traditional way, but nowadays I like to mix the pesto with confit Cherry tomatoes. Itโ€™s a marriage out of heaven!



Penne with Confit Cherry Tomatoes and Pesto Genovese

Keyword: Food Recipes, Pasta, Pleasures


  • 500 grs Penne pasta
  • 250 ml Pesto Genovese Sauce , press Pesto Genovese Sauce for recipe
  • 1 cup Confit Cherry Tomatoes , press Confit Cherry Tomatoes for recipe
  • 30 grs Pecorino cheese
  • 5 litres Water
  • 2 tablespoons EVOO , (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
  • Sea Salt


  • In a Large pot or saucepan bring water to a boil on high heat adding a generous amount of salt. Add the pasta, stirring occasionally so as not to stick and cook according to suggested time on the box of the pasta less 2 minutes. Reserve ยฝ cup of cooking water.
  • In the meantime, in a large and deep saucepan over low heat add the Pesto Genovese sauce and keep warm.
  • Strain the pasta and return to the saucepan with the pesto sauce. On low heat stir for a minute so as the pasta absorbs the sauce. Add from the reserved water if consistency is on the thick side.
  • Immediately add half of the confit cherry tomatoes and toss carefully not to brake the tomatoes.
  • Serve in a deep dish, add the rest of the confit cherry tomatoes, drizzle the oil and put some Pecorino cheese.

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